Privacy Policy

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This site is provided for information purposes only. This site does not provide individual advise, financial, tax or otherwise. This site is not a solicitation for any product. Content of this website may change without notice. Please consult with your own professional adviser regarding your particular circumstances.



InPoDe recognizes that all personal information is private and confidential. InPoDe complies with privacy legislation and, in particular, with the requirements of the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA).  InPoDe recognizes the following key principles of PIPEDA: accountability, purpose, consent, collection, use, disclosure and retention, accuracy, safeguards, directness, access, and complaints and recourse. The measures outlined in the Privacy Code are intended to provide clients with comfort that we regard personal information with the utmost importance. The Privacy Code is also created to provide the right of access to personal information and an avenue to address any concerns individuals may have about the use of their information.

Collection of information is based on the Know Your Client (KYC) rules mandated by the CFA Institute and Provincial regulators. In complying with the KYC rules InPoDe collects the following information from its clients, which provides not only client contact information, but also allows InPoDe to consider the appropriateness and suitability of investment recommendations or actions for each client:

Information including but not limited to, client’s full legal name, social insurance/security number, date of birth, citizenship, home address and phone number, type of business client is employed in, employers name, business address, business phone and fax number, position held, name of lawyer/accountant, approximate net worth of client, investment experience, investment objectives, income needs, risk attitude, consultant information, and various information about a client’s spouse and immediate family; and information obtained through a client’s transactions with InPoDe including but not limited to, account balances, transaction reports, and parties to transactions.

A client profile is also prepared which primarily summarizes the client’s investment guidelines; their investment knowledge and their investment return expectations.

Obtain personal information directly from the individual or company concerned, whenever possible.

Obtain only that personal information which is needed to carry on InPoDe’s business.

When personal information must be obtained from or disclosed to another source, e.g. an confirmation from an auditor, obtain written authorization from the individual concerned.  The authorization should include the date and expiration date and reasonably describe (i) those who are authorized to disclose the information about the individual; (ii) the nature of that information; (iii) those to whom the information may be disclosed; and (iv) how the information will be used.

Identifiable personal information in InPoDe company records is accessible only to those who have a “need to know” the information for their jobs, or as required by law.

Allow individuals to review and request a change in the personal information maintained by InPoDe so that the record is fair to both the individual and InPoDe.